Date | 9th January 2021 |
Time | 12:35 – 13:40 |
Location | Virtual (Zoom) |
Chairing | Colin Bootle |
Minutes | Sankofa Small |
Aileen Hamdan | chair, instructor | AH |
Ewa Nevisandah | treasurer | EN |
Colin Bootle | secretary | CB |
Sankofa Small | director | SS |
Marilyn Moseley | volunteer | MM |
Jason Monero | volunteer | JM |
Eileen Monero | volunteer | EM |
Daniela Garlashelli | volunteer | DG |
Ann Faal | student | AF |
Louise Holloway | student | LH |
Zuby Skinner | student | ZS |
Delia Heather | student | DH |
Yvonne Thomas | student | YT |
Anne Carpenter | student | AC |
Belinda Calaguas | student | BC |
Catherine Furlong | student | CF |
Pat Cutler | student | PC |
Hemma Kalra | student | HK |
Lola Talbot | student | LT |
Shephali Kala | student | SK |
Apologies received
Joe McPhoy (JM), Aaron Whittaker (AW), Itricia Byer (IB)
2. Welcome and introduction
3. Acceptance of Minutes from last meeting
proposed by: CB
seconded by: AH
vote: PASSED
4 Updates from Action Points
4.1 CB to continue creating the Dao Lu App
Covered by 7.1, below
4.2 All to recommend Covid-19 suitable and affordable indoor venues
Comments received: Aileen informed the meeting that St Barnabas Hall was no longer available due to the change in nursery opening times and they had offered us use of a container building beside the church. The space was not suitable. Another venue was found in Leyton at £100 an hour – too expensive.
Action point: continue to look for suitable venues
4.3 All to continue giving feedback on the current and upcoming programme
Covered by 7.2, below
3 Business matters
no items raised for agenda
4. Projects
no items raised for agenda
5. Events
5.1 Awards and CNY
Proposal: Awards Ceremony and Chinese New Year celebration to be held on Saturday, 27th February.
proposed by: AH
seconded by: SS
comments: AH outlined the background to this event and suggested there is a red theme for CNY and SS requested nominations for the awards this year.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: Directors to plan the event
5.2 World Tai Chi Day
Proposal: World Tai Chi Day to be held on Saturday, 24th April 2021
proposed by: AH
seconded by: SS
comments: SS gave a background to this event – Timber Lodge at Olympic Park was booked last year and the booking should have transferred to this year (due to Lockdown in April 2020). AH would like to plan for an outdoor event, as well as have a contingency plan for Zoom.
PC suggested there may be a lot of planning for two events within 2 months of each other.
modifications, if any: LH suggested that Lloyd Park could be the alternative outdoor venue for this year (local with access to the public, toilets and café) as social distancing restrictions may still be in place and planning time limited.
vote: PASSED
action points: SS to check the status of our booking with Timber Lodge.
The board will plan the event.
6. Training
6.1 Qi Gong Instructor Training
Proposal: Qi Gong instructor training. Costs? Details?
proposed by: AH
seconded by: EN
comments: AH will not vote due to conflict of interest.
The Health Qigong training is offered by the British Qigong Association (headed by Tary Yip and Faye Li) and will cost £1460 for all 4 units (which can be taken in sets of 2 @ £730 each). The course runs over 9 weekends from March 2021 to July and the training has to be updated every year for £65. A deposit is required of £250 per instructor.
MM made suggestion of using already qualified external Qigong instructors.
modifications, if any: current price is too excessive for Dao Lu to subsidise. Proposal modified to investigate further.
vote: PASSED
action points: AH will find out if Dao Lu can be given any reductions on the fees.
7. Finances
Report from the Treasurer
Proposal: acceptance of the treasurer’s report
proposed by: EN
seconded by: CB
AH informed the meeting that from the total of 40 registered paying members, some are paying the full amount, whilst others are subsidised in different ways.
BC suggested that Dao Lu could fundraise to meet extra costs like the instructor training.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: BC to look into fundraising through funding bodies.
8. Media and communication
8.1 Dao Lu App
CB has been creating a web-based app for registration, classes and emergency information.
Proposal: That CB be paid for this work
proposed by: AH
seconded by: SS
comments: CB absented himself and did not vote due to conflict of interest
CB to be paid £500 (£300 initially then £200 January 2022). The webapp and Mobile app will be completed over the coming months, followed by a review of how useful it proves to be. An annual review will follow every January. Hosting and maintenance will be £100 per year, payable on 1st July each year.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: CB to continue developing the app
8.2 Feedback form
SS and CB have created a feedback form.
Proposal: That the feedback form be made permanent on the website
proposed by: SS
seconded by: CB
comments: SS explained the purpose of the form – ongoing feedback and if a student decides to leave.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points:
8.3 Waltham Forest Feel Good Accreditation
EN has submitted paperwork for Feel Good accreditation.
This is a requirement to use LBWF controlled facilities as an organised sport.
Proposal: Thanks to EN for doing this work
proposed by: AH
seconded by: BC
comments: AH explained that the Feel Good Mark is now required in the borough if an organisation wants to use its greens spaces, as it acknowledges that groups are meeting specific standards of practice.
EN thanks AH also for her input into the completion of the application.
vote: PASSED
modifications, if any:
action points:
9. Any other business
(the following have not been raised for the agenda, but may be covered if required, or discussed outside the board meeting)
– T-Shirts CB – they will be delivered soon. Quality of stock was raised as an issue by YT. CB answered that the new delivery is better quality and more expensive.
– Theory on website – to be discussed in the informal part of the meeting.
– Adjustments to timetable for lockdown-2 – to be discussed in the informal part of the meeting.
– BCCMA (insurance, qualifications) – AH – all up to date
– DBS CB – not an issue at the moment.
action points:
10. Time minuted meeting ended
Meeting started at 12.35 and ended at 1.40.
The meeting was followed by an informal discussion (non-minuted)
Summary of Action Points
All to continue to look for suitable venues
Board to plan CNY/Awards event
SS to check the status of our booking with Timber Lodge
Board to plan World Tai Chi Day event
AH to find out more info on the course (why so expensive) and possible discount options for Dao Lu.
BC to look into fundraising through funding bodies
CB to continue developing the Dao Lu App
Next meeting
Saturday 10th April, 12:30 – 2pm, virtual.