Date | 27th July 2019 |
Time | 13:00 |
Location | One Hoe Street, Walthamstow |
Chairing | Sankofa Small |
Minutes | Colin Bootle |
Aileen Hamdan | chair, instructor | AH |
Ewa Nevisandah | treasurer | EN |
Colin Bootle | vice-chair | CB |
Sankofa Small | director | SS |
Zuzanna Jonczyk | volunteer | ZJ |
Marilyn Moseley | volunteer | MM |
Aaron Whitaker | instructor | AW |
Nadia Rogmati | volunteer | NR |
Apologies received
Wendy Saville, Joe McPhoy, Itricia Byer, Daniela Garlashelli |
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 29th April 2019, were agreed.
Matters arising from minutes
A storage place for weapons is being considered for our Tuesday Breeze class at St Barnabas.
Annual calendar – see below.
Instructor training – see below.
Making available a downloadable leaflet on the website / agreement that Dao Lu would take on board the need to reduce the use of paper where possible, and provide links to online information – this will be an ongoing consideration.
Learning and Development
Orangebox – access, free online, open to Dao Lu members. SS organising – need 10 people interested in a range of courses, they will bring an instructor for induction, including workbooks etc. Backed by Learning Curve. If less than 10, induction is online.
We will provide 10 people, SS to arrange date in September. Level 2 is equivalent to GCSE, NVQ etc, six month commitment.
All students have paid £25 monthly fees.
Current balance £3640.20
The finance report was presented for the period ending 27th July 2019.
Towards the end of September we need to know the six month income from green spaces, to pay council, as payment is dependent on income received.
It is difficult to compare financial figures with last year, as cash flow was slow previously as collection and banking of student class monies was irregular, resulting in long delays in banking and accounts. The new system results in more timely income which in turn means we can pay instructors promptly.
Concessions, bespoke payments – should not be on the basis of only able to do one class per week, but on the basis of financial need.
No intention to have any new public classes in the near future.
First class is always free.
New payment system working well.
CASC (community amateur sports club) – agreed we should do this. It means we would not pay tax on profits (if turnover below £50k) and allow us to claim gift aid donations. CASC has no effect on our CIC status, it is an additional status that changes the tax situation only. CB to request login from HSBC and register us. AW pointed out that requesting a login for HMRC is straightforward and the login credentials would come to the registered address
We discussed the failings of our current accountants. Discussion will resume at the next meeting. Action point – all to find accountants so we can compare. Action point – those putting forward a recommendation of an accountant must make clear any possible conflict of interest (e.g. use the same accountant themselves) and if so, abstain from any decisions regarding the appointment of that accountant. CB is in this position.
Accounts were presented for all to read.
SS proposed to become Company Secretary. SS to respond shortly.
Registered address to remain with AW. Decided to remain with the status quo, AW to bring letters to Sunday class.
Question raised: how do we define a volunteer and do we have a register. At the moment it’s on request from Dao Lu. Organic growth. Volunteers are named on website. AH running a mailing list for volunteers. Agreed AH to be the central point for organising volunteers.
AW – performance is not volunteering, it’s a natural progression of learning, and is expected of students.
Volunteer list to be updated – Action point: AH to give CB updated list for website.
BCCMA insurance fees increasing for students.
Action point: CB to cross-check list of volunteers with DBS certificates to ensure all volunteers are DBS checked.
Insurance – no one can claim if instructor if not present. Student insurance increasing. If an instructor is not present for a whole session then the students can run it as an informal practice session and not a class, alternatively the class will not take place on that day in order to ensure there is adequate insurance cover for instructor and students. Volunteers cannot lead a class without an instructor present.
Monitoring form
AH. Very difficult. Previously, AW had a database app for green spaces, quarterly data required. Now looking for new ways – paper, or online. Looking for 2020 to have a new system. Do we use an app? Leyton studio has a good system, but only one building, so instructors do it there. We have multiple places. AW still uses his for his own (non Dao Lu) classes. It is single user software, and limited to Apple iPhone, iPad devices.
AH – we should pay AW for the service. Need 45 min. Tutorial on use could be at instructors meeting. Only for public classes, not contract classes. We are open to alternatives.
Instructors pay for insurance themselves, training, DBS etc (as self employed). Check DBS for volunteers, must match up with volunteer list.
Instructor Training
Action Point – AH to organise. Need regular instructor training meetings so can ensure are teaching the same techniques, and can cover for each other. Four times per year.
Promotion, Media and Communication
CB to send update on text system, as not explained for a while. Could update list on new registration system.
CB to create new license booklet. Action point – add words “Performance is part of a student’s progress.”
Licenses to be stamped by AH or MM when students have paid their fee.
AH to circulate a new registration form for feedback.
ZJ – looking into designs for hoodies etc. First batch in autumn.
AH – considering changing to MailChimp for mailing list.
WGP – gathering feedback, will present in September. Initial feedback has been very positive, “people see Dao Lu everywhere”.
Annual calendar. Idea is that future events can be seen at a glance – including those where dates are approximate. Helps people with holiday booking, volunteering etc. Link to Google Calendar to be on classes page, for ease of reference.
Positive Tools 4 Life – event on 10th August 2019, Assembly Hall, 11.00 – 16.00. We have a table and will be giving a join in Tai Chi on the grass outside. JM to lead join-in session. SS and EN and volunteers to help with the table and join-in session.
Acknowledgement of the growth and development of Dao Lu over the last year, made possible by the development of a vibrant and informative website by CB and AH creating more classes and using social media to promote Dao Lu.
Next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, 15th September 2019, at 12.45pm after beginners class, in Bowls Pavilion. Action Point – AH to book.
Chair of next meeting: EN (jointly with AH)
Minutes to be taken by: Colin Bootle
Action points
All encouraged to mention Dao Lu to GPs.
AH to organise instructor training
AH to book room for the next board meeting
AH to provide updated list of volunteers to CB
CB to check list of volunteers against list of DBS checks
CB to make a downloadable leaflet available on the website
ALL to find accountants so we can compare.
ALL to indicate conflict of interest, e.g. if recommending an accountant they already use
CB to link calendar from classes page
ZJ continue looking into hoodies
CB to explain how to use the text system
CB to create new license booklet, with updated text re performances
CB to request login to HMRC and register Dao Lu as a CASC
SS to arrange OrangeBox for induction in September (min 10 people)
End of meeting
The meeting closed at 15:30