Date | 17th July 2021 |
Time | 12:30 – 13:25 |
Location | Virtual (Zoom) |
Chairing | Sankofa Small |
Minutes | Colin Bootle |
Aileen Hamdan | chair, instructor | AH |
Colin Bootle | secretary | CB |
Sankofa Small | director | SS |
Jason Monero | volunteer | JM |
Eileen Monero | volunteer | EM |
Karolina Melendez-Strzelbicka | volunteer | KM |
Ann Faal | student | AF |
Flavia Columba | student | FC |
Delia Heather | student | DH |
Shephali Kala | student | SK |
Wendy Small | student | WS |
Catherine Furlong | student | CF |
Yvonne Thomas | student | YT |
1 Apologies received
Ewa Nevisandah | treasurer | EN |
Marilyn Moseley | volunteer | MM |
Ann Korner | student | AK |
Louise Holloway | student | LH |
Belinda Calaguas | student | BC |
Hemma Kalra | student | HK |
2 Welcome and introduction
3 Acceptance of Minutes from last meeting
proposed by: AH
seconded by: FC
vote: PASSED
4 Updates from Action Points / Matters Arising
4.1 Dao Lu becoming an associate member of British Qi Gong Association or Deyin Taijiquan Institute so we may have discount on future bookings
AH raised this.
Action point: AH to meet Tary (Deyin Taijiquan Institute) at the September 26th Health Qigong Taster session.
4.2 Funding applications
BC and SS – see 6.1 below
4.3 SS to check the status of our booking with Timber Lodge
Continuing to attempt to contact them.
4.4 DUNS number & Kew Gardens
Raised by AH. Kew Gardens required us to have a DUNS number.
Action point – CB to put on website.
4.5 Feedback on World Tai Chi Day on 25th April 2021
Raised by SS. A successful virtual event, mostly attended by existing members.
4.6 Status of our booking with Timber Lodge
Raised by SS. Still investigating deposit for 2020.
Action point: SS to continue attempting to contact them.
4.6 All members – venues
Action point: AH to contact St Mary’s Welcome Centre
Action point: AF to contact Leyton Sixth Form College (LSFC)
Action point: ??? to contact Harmony Hall
Action point: ??? to contact Walthamstow School For Girls (WSFG)
AH confirmed we intend to use the Forest Community Hall for Sunday morning classes.
AH indicated we are looking for an indoor space for Friday mornings (currently outdoors) and Wednesday mornings (Pimp Hall nature reserve indoor space is too small)
4.7 CB to continue developing the Dao Lu App
Work in progress.
Action point: CB to continue adding functionality
5 Business matters
5.1 Accept new board members – Jason Monero and Belinda Calaguas
Proposal: that Jason Monero and Belinda Calaguas become directors of Dao Lu CIC
proposed by: SS
seconded by: AH
modifications, if any:
vote passed/rejected: PASSED
action points: CB to add their names to Companies House
6. Projects
6.1 Qi Gong for Health
Proposal: Two 9 week courses (1 day per week) of Qi Gong for Health are offered to students and residents in Walthamstow and Leyton. Funding to be applied for from Sport England.
proposed by: SS
seconded by: BC
comments: need recommendations from Tary for local masters
modifications, if any:
vote passed/rejected: PASSED
action points: SS/BC to contact Tary for recommendations for local masters
7 Events
No events raised for agenda.
8 Training
8.1 New Summer programme/training schedule
Proposal: Outline of proposed changes to take place (as identified in e-update)
proposed by: AH
seconded by: SS
comments: summer programme (mid-July to end of September):
- Joe’s Fitness moved from Wednesdays to Fridays, time from 4pm to 5-6pm (donation model)
- Saturday Fitness suspended
- Saturday Traditional Yoga with Harsh (75 minutes) – 8 week course (donation model)
- Monday’s Unwind with Itricia suspended
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: CB to update website
9. Finances
9.1 Report from the Treasurer.
Presented by AH as EW unwell.
Proposal: acceptance of the treasurer’s report
proposed by: AH
seconded by: CB
comments: AH and CB explained use of reserves during last 16 months. Cashflow reduced due to externally funded projects being suspended, and greater concessions to students. Rather than reducing classes, Dao Lu increased classes, online. CB commented this was exactly the right thing to do.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
9.2 Fees/membership policy for ensuring accessibility
Proposal: Dao Lu reinforce a fees/membership policy for ensuring accessibility to all classes for all sectors of the community – removing financial barriers (as outlined in e-update)
proposed by: AH
seconded by: SS
comments: CB raised the point that this has been policy since Dao Lu was formed. It is already on the website on the “Join Dao Lu” page. AH commented that it is important that this be mentioned to potential new students by “word of mouth”.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: CB to make the item more prominent on the website. ALL to mention the policy when talking about membership to potential new students.
10 Media and communication
10.1 Dao Lu Theory
Proposal: Volunteers support the development of Dao Lu Theory strand, resources, website & social media
proposed by: SS
seconded by: ???
comments: KM suggested we use Instagram. Her husband, Marwin, would like to be involved with the website.
modifications, if any:
vote: PASSED
action points: SS to allow KM access to our dormant Instagram account
11 Any other business
12 Time minuted meeting ended
Meeting started at 12.30 and ended at 13.23.
The meeting was followed by an informal discussion (non-minuted)
Summary of Action Points
AH to meet Tary (Deyin Taijiquan Institute) and to update at the next meeting
SS to check the status of our booking with Timber Lodge
Action point: AH to contact St Mary’s Welcome Centre
Action point: AF to contact Leyton Sixth Form College (LSFC)
Action point: ??? to contact Harmony Hall
Action point: ??? to contact Walthamstow School For Girls (WSFG)
CB to continue developing the Dao Lu App (particularly at-session register)
CB to update the website for the summer programme
CB to make the concessions policy more prominent on the website.
ALL to mention the concessions policy when talking about membership to potential new students
All to continue to look for suitable venues
Next meeting
Saturday 9th October 2021, 12:30 – 2pm, virtual.
The meeting was followed by an informal discussion (non-minuted) with the following agenda:
1) Taster course – Introduction to Health Qi Gong
2) Tai Chi Boot Camp proposal
3) Feedback on returning to physical classes (feedback forms, cancellation of
outdoor classes due to weather, virtual classes, cover instructors for instructor
ill health, self-practice etc)
4) funding proposal / ideas
5) Autumn term programme and venues (including chat room topics)
6) Dao Lu Contract work
7) Dao Lu community involvement (E17 Art Trail / Community Open Week – Tai
Chi @ Kew Gardens )
8) Day Trips
9) AOB