Held at Community Bowls Pavilion, Lloyd Park, London E17 4PP, at 11:00 – 12:30
Colin Bootle (chair of meeting) Aileen Hamdan (minutes), Marilyn Moseley, Sankofa
Small, Jin Jie, Syeda Ahmed, Aatish Raya, Pat Cutler, Janet Allman, Nadia Rogmati
- Apologies:
Aaron Whitaker, Daniela Garlaschelli, Ewa Nevisandeh, Zuzanna Jonczyk, Joe McPhoy, Wendy Saville - Minutes of previous meeting & matters arising
Minutes of previous meeting dated 2nd June 2018 were accepted. - Finance
Had detailed discussion about a new payment plan for 2019. Colin to carry out a consultation workshop with STJC students.
Marilyn shared draft accounts paper with the attendees. We had much less grants but much more income from contract work of delivering regular Tai Chi sessions in organisations with different groups of people. - Planning WGP 2019
On the success of WGP 2018 on the News from Nowhere stage, Jin Jie suggested we have Tai Chi performance uniform. She did research work and ordered two samples, both in blue and white with different quality and prices. They would look great for big performance events such as WGP 2019. - We will start performance training earlier for 2019 and have regular performance training structure in place.
- Governance
Colin has been organising instructors and volunteers’ DBS. Colin to chase a few still outstanding.
Marilyn will be resigning from her director role in March 2019. We will need a new person to take over Dao Lu’s bookkeeping work.
Student licence – Colin had to re-type everything because of software issues. Colin to circulate when it is ready for comments. Our learning point is always to have a system that can be accessed and shared so we don’t have to re-do all the work. - China Trip October 2019 & Tai Chi Retreat July 2019In terms of marketing for our next China Trip of October 2019, this time would be
much harder because we will have to reach outside of Dao Lu.
One of the feedback from China Trip April 2018 was about regular meeting up / retreats / exchange with other Tai Chi groups in UK. Sankofa suggested we take part in Tai Chi & Qi Gong Caledonia Festival in July. All the other people on our China Trip April 2018 highly recommended this event. Sankofa will look into this and
provide us with more details. - Update on projects and new groups
Currently delivering a new project of 10 sessions for pre-university students at the University of the Arts London. Itricia has become a new instructor for Dao Lu and is helping deliver this project and CREST contract.
We are piloting Tai Chi in GP practices and St Pancras Hospital.
We also delivered a free Tai Chi taster session for a carer group based in Priory Court Community Centre.
We delivered a trial session for people with dementia in a new care home in Waltham Abbey. We hope to get a contract for monthly sessions there. Joe is the lead instructor. - Media and Communications
People had positive feedback on the refreshed layout of Dao Lu website. Easier to find class information.
WTJC in Pimp Hall Nature Reserve on Wednesdays – class time was changed to 9:30am to 10:30am to help accommodate an art class. Colin to update.
Directors & volunteers page – still showing Aaron is a Director. Colin to update. - AOB
Next Meeting – Saturday 8 th December 2018, 2pm. Venue tbc.