Tai Chi and Kung Fu,performance,Saturday,26 July, 2.30,3.00pm
Our Parks Tai Chi,session, Saturday,26 July, 3.00,4.00pm
Join in Tai Chi,session,Sunday,27 July, 2.00,2.30pm
Senior Tai Chi Corner,performance,Sunday,27 July,2.30,3.00 pm
The two-day event, previously known as the Walthamstow Big Weekend, will include music, theatre, arts and crafts, food and family run, as part of the Council’s Get Together events programme for residents. Dao Lu is an active part to help bring local talent and spirit into the big event. Please do come along and support us!
Lloyd Park, Forest Road, London E17 4PP
Map and events: https://www.barbican.org.uk/media/events/16303walthamstowgardenpartymap.pdf