10-week course for beginners at Addison Rd Medical Practice, 46 Ravenswood Rd, London E17 9LY.
Starts 12 July, Wednesdays 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Learn a Qigong energy routine, and a beginner’s Tai Chi form (Yang style).
Benefits of regular practice: *Improved blood circulation *Increased flexibility and mobility *Stronger lungs and core muscles *Improved balance and body coordination *Increased mental focus *Calmness and mental wellbeing. Start your Tai Chi journey!
At the end of the programme, you will be able to practise on your own, or practise with an established class run by Dao Lu or local group of people you meet through the sessions.
£7/session drop-in, £65 block booking for 10 weeks, £32.50 block booking for 5 weeks
Register by email to info@daolu.co.uk. Advance payment required to secure your place.
A joint project of Dao Lu CIC, www.daolu.co.uk and ARMP Patient Participation Group. Dao Lu CIC is a Feel Good Accredited provider of sport and leisure activities.