Seven people from Dao Lu, representing directors, Senior Tai Chi Corner participants and our project partner Green Space Team, attended the Waltham Forest Sports Awards ceremony on 14 November and walked away with th huge surprise of winning the category of Physical Activity and Health Project!
Aileen, on behalf of Dao Lu Directors, commented: “The competition in every category was fierce. It was such a huge surprise to win. The result really showed that our project stood out outstandingly in its delivery, popularity, harmony with nature and health benefits.”

Janet and Alison, participant representatives, said: “You deserve it for all your hard work and commitment. Thank you so much for inviting us to attend the ceremony to represent the group. We absolutely enjoyed the evening.” Another participant Adrian talked about the huge health benefits he got from the project. You can read Adrian’s Tai Chi journey here.
Ellie Mortimer from LBWF Green Space Team, our project partner, was very impressed and said in her e-update to the Lloyd Park community: “Congratulations to Dao Lu who run Senior Tai Chi in Lloyd Park – they won the Physical Activity and Health Project Award at the Waltham Forest Sports Awards 2013. A very well-deserved win for everyone involved; especially Dao Lu instructors who give so much of their time and offer such a friendly and supportive atmosphere. It’s also great recognition for Lloyd Park and its community activities, we’re very proud to support Senior Tai Chi.”
Read more about Senior Tai Chi Corner here.