Dao Lu CIC
Online Safeguarding Guidelines – Consent Form
In order to ensure we maintain high standards of safeguarding, Dao Lu CIC would like to make you aware of the following advice to enable a safe remote participation environment:-
- Please ensure that your child does not take part in an online session in their bedroom (or any other bedroom -we have advised staff to do the same)
- It is preferred that teaching and learning online takes place in a communal area in the home
- It will be required for you (parent / guardian) to sit in on the session, or if the session takes place in an open-plan area, to be in the vicinity for the duration of the session
- We do not allow communication between participating children or young adults / staff via social media, personal email, text messaging, gaming or other app platforms.
Please sign and return the consent form below and return to info@daolu.co.uk
If you or your child are affected emotionally by the current situation, please seek advice and support from Young Minds (https://youngminds.org.uk/). They offer a service free of charge to young people and parents. You can also contact your local Council if you have queries about support or for ongoing health advice continue to use the online service: https://111.nhs.uk/
- I confirm that I am responsible for my behaviour when taking part in Dao Lu CIC online events. This includes the resources I access and share and the language I use
- I will not send anyone material that could be considered threatening, bullying, offensive or illegal
- I will not give out any personal information online, such as my name, phone number or address
- I will not reveal my passwords to anyone
- If I am concerned or upset about anything I see on the internet or any messages that I receive I am aware of the Safeguarding procedure
- I understand that my online activity with Dao Lu CIC will be monitored and any misuse may affect future relationships, work and/or activity with Dao Lu CIC
If you are under 18, consent is required from your parent or guardian
We have discussed this online safety agreement and I agree on behalf of my child to follow the rules set out above (please tick to confirm consent)
Parent/guardian name: ………………………………………………….
Parent/guardian signature: …………………………………………………
Date: …………………………………
Parent/guardian telephone number:…………………………………..
Parent/guardian email address:…………………………………………