Part of E17 Art Trail 2021
Possible Futures: Imagination, Ingenuity and Determination
An online exhibition of art work depicting Tai chi and nature by Dao Lu Tai Chi students. A possible future of us becoming ONE with nature through green activities such as Tai Chi, observing nature and imitating it. Dao Lu CIC is a community group based in LBWF promoting healthy lifestyle and Tai Chi training in green spaces.
E17 Art Trail is a festival created by the residents of Walthamstow and coordinated by Artillery. At Dao Lu CIC, during the Covid-19 lockdown, we created virtual chat rooms to support our members and give them a platform to showcase their creativity and exchange knowledge and skills about Tai Chi, nature and many other related topics. Out of these conversations, we put together a wide and diverse range of work created by Dao Lu Tai Chi students – all of them are local residents – during the lockdown and showcase them through E17 Art Trail 2021 and beyond.
Art work display
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Artist profile and work
Flavia Columba
Italian born, Flavia moved to London in 1993. She didn’t pick up painting until 2006 after some sessions of Art Therapy. In 2015 she started practicing Tai Chi which since then has been a font of inspiration. She also practices meditation which gives her insight and mindfulness. Her abstract paintings’ main feature is the use of colours, expression of her emotions and states of mind. See artwork…
Nina Dearden
Much of Nina’s painting is inspired by nature. She is a psychotherapist specialising in working with complex trauma, and spending time in nature is a way she sustains herself in her work and maintains balance in her life. Being in nature and painting nature reminds her of the powerful capacity of living things to grow and flourish and bloom. Nina has been studying Tai Chi for a few years now, as a way to improve her coordination and balance, and explore new ways to move and be in her body. See artwork…
Pat Cutler
During sixteen months of scarcely venturing beyond her front door, Pat’s art efforts have been a combination of practising basic skills, exploring ‘shelved’ ideas, dabbling in unfamiliar media and responding to family interests and events. Pat didn’t have a conscious direction but just the ‘doing and thinking’ have laid bases for possible futures. See artwork…
Yue Jin
Yue Jin has been training Tai Chi with Dao Lu for over three years. She loves Chinese painting and calligraphy. In her spare time, she likes upcycling and creating art work. In the past six months, she started using dried flowers to create work depicting nature, Tai Chi and health. See artwork…
Jin Jin Chen
Jin Jin Chen likes art. In her spare time, she likes peony embroidery (meaning prosperity and good fortune), a floral symbol of China along with the plum blossom. She is currently learning oil painting. See artwork…
Emily Aya
Ann Korner
Ann Korner, 70 years old, lives in Chingford with her two daughters and grandsons nearby. She enjoys her allotment, and eating what she grows. A retired primary teacher, Ann has lived and worked in London, Gibraltar, Spain and Peru. She loves travel and creates art work inspired by the places she visited. See artwork…