Please follow the screenshots below to register for a volunteer DBS.
Note that volunteers are those who are not paid for services. There is a separate form for those who are paid (e.g. instructors).
Dao Lu CIC will pay the DBS fee for volunteers.
To start, go to and click on “Standard/Enhanced DBS Application – Start Application” (first box):

On the next page, enter the Organisation Reference: DAOLUCICVOLUNTEERS
Leave the other box, Organisation Code, blank. Then click on START

On the next page, tick the statement regarding personal information etc, then press NEXT:

Similarly, on the next page, click the checkbox to allow your identification to be verified, then press NEXT.

There are five steps. The following screenshots show made-up information. The first is “About you”, which should be very straightforward:

The next page requests your address history (if less than 5 years at the current address it will ask for a previous address):

When addresses for the past five successive years have been entered, if will allow you to continue, press NEXT:

You will then be asked to provide information about your place of birth, nationality and any other names you have been known by:

Next you will be asked to enter your employment details. Please follow exactly as below.
(this must be exactly as given above, to agree with processing)
Then select the appropriate conviction history – this will normally be “No”:

The final screen shows a summary of details entered. Please check all is correct, and edit if necessary.
There are three boxes to tick at the bottom (very difficult to see), then you can click on “COMPLETE”

That’s it – you will next see the application reference, which will be sent to the email address you gave.
The next step is for Dao Lu CIC to check your ID (name and address). One way to do this is with WhatsApp, if available, as once verified the photos can be deleted. A full list of acceptable ID documents can be found at
Dao Lu will contact you to arrange verification.

Update Service
When you’ve got your DBS certificate, you can join the update service. This is free for volunteers. It means your DBS will remain valid and that it can be checked. If you don’t join the update service, your DBS will “expire” after two or three weeks, and a new DBS will have to be started every time a check is required.
To join the update service, go here:
You’ll need to click on the blue link “Use my Certificate number instead” so you can enter your certificate number.
The update service renews every year automatically. You should receive an email each year informing you that this is about to happen.